: Decking installed for the construction of the 2nd floor balcony slab
Typical dowels drilled for the 2nd floor balcony slab
Casting 5th floor walkway slab in-progress
Typical steel installation
In-progress column forming
: Typical doweling on 5th floor walkway
In-progress steel installation for the 5th floor walkway slab
Form board installation for the 1st floor beam
Typical doweling on 5th floor walkway
In-progress beam steel installation
Typical dowels completed for the 5th floor slab
Typical dowels completed for the 5th floor slab
A C Units installed
Typical column steel installation
North set of columns approved to be cast
In-progress shoring installation
Support columns on south side
North side framing commenced
Typical repairs in the pool breezeway
Typical repairs in the drive through lane
Typical repairs in the drive through lane
Typical first floor column
Typical first floor column
Dowels drilled for the walkway slab steel installation
Dowels drilled for the column steel installation
Remaining columns to be removed at the North end of the building
In-progress casting 4th floor walkway slab
In-progress casting 4th floor walkway slab
In-progress casting 4th floor walkway slab
In-progress column removal on the balcony elevation
Typical dowels drilled at the 4th floor walkway
Bottom mat of steel installed at the 4th floor walkway
In-progress debris cleanup at the 3rd floor
In-progress column removal at the 1st floor
In-progress slab demolition on the North end of the building
In-progress column demolition on the South end of the building
Sunrise 9/28/24
Typical dowels drilled for the 4th floor walkway slab
: Typical dowels drilled for the 4th floor walkway slab
Steel installation for the bottom mat of steel
Typical dowells drilled for the 4th floor walkway slab
Steel and form board installation within the unit entry door corridor
: In-progress demo on the balcony side of the building
In-progress column demo on the balcony side of the building
Typical completed dowels for the 4th floor slab
Typical completed dowels for the 4th floor slab
In-progress demolition on the balcony side of the building
Interior termination point for slab
In-progress demolition on the balcony side of the building
In-progress demolition on the South half of the building
: In-progress concrete placement
3rd floor walkway slab construction
3rd floor walkway slab construction
3rd floor walkway slab construction
Post shore installation on the balcony side of building
Completed dowels 3rd floor slab
End wall removed on balcony side of the building
End wall removed on balcony side of the building
Dowels drilled for 3rd floor slab
Dowels drilled for 3rd floor slab
Dowels Drilled for 3rd floor slab
Dowels drilled for 3rd floor slab
Form board construction
Demo for balcony side of the building
In-progress demolition on the North elevation 2nd floor
Shoring/bracing installation on the South end of the walkways
Shoring/bracing installation on the South end of the walkways
In-progress demolition on the North elevation 4th floor
Typical ledger board installation
Typical ledger board installation
Demo completed at unit entry corridors
Walkway on the South end of the building
3rd floor existing slab steel cleaned
In-progress demolition on the balcony side of the building
In-progress of cleaning out the forms on the South end of the walkway
In-progress of cleaning out forms on the South end of the walkway
Walkway slab replacement in the elevator corridor
Walkway slap replacement on the North end of the building
Walkway slap replacement on the North end of the building
Casting 2nd floor walkway slab
Casting 2nd floor walkway slab
Casting 2nd floor walkway slab
Casting 2nd floor walkway slab
In-progress concrete demo on the balcony side of the building
Dowels completed for the 2nd floor slab
Dowels completed for the 2nd floor slab
Roof slab demo on the balcony side of the building
AC Units
40 New AC Units stored between the Lobby and the Gym
Shoring and bottom form boards installed on the South end of the walkway
Typical proper dowel spacing observed
Typical dowels for the bottom mat of steel
In-progress of cleaning out the dowel holes with compressed air
Work in-progress on the balcony side of the building
Work in-progress on the balcony side of the building
2nd floor walkway formwork and in-progress drilling for dowels
In-progress demolition on the balcony elevation
The forms are being established on the first floor. You can see the iron beams, rebar, new rebar, and electrical and plumbing that will go through this floor. It will take about three weeks after that it move much faster.
These pictures were taken from the sixth floor and show that the roof above the six floor has been taken off and some of the fifth floor has been taken off.
In-progress concrete demo on the balcony side of the building
Completed dowels for the bottom mat of steel
Form board decking installed at the North end of the 2nd floor walkway
Form board decking installed at the North end of the 2nd floor walkway
In-progress demolition of the roof slab
In-progress concrete demo in front of Unit 205
Beam removal at the 1st floor walkway
Ledger board installed for the 2nd floor slab construction